Rice or Porridge in the future?

Ou, 10 days more to UEC, going back to hostel soon, hope I won't be a failure of UEC!! Hope it's an honorable ending...=x
After long thinking, I may consider on taking other course if can't get Medicine, hope I can get Medicine as well as studying in IMU...=x

MapleSEA is going to patch for Neo Tokyo!! Can't wait for it, just have to wait for 2 weeks later and I'll be free...=x

Btw, congratulations to Ben for getting a band score of 7.5 for IELTS!!
And guai hui hui dont be too stressed, guai lala bless you!!

3rd October 2009 - Happy birthday to Ye Hur!

10th October 2009 - Maxed Sniping!! And happy birthday to Hui Yuan!

12th October 2009 - Happy birthday to Meng Hong!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Unknown said...

gambateh lo!!!
2 weeks more...!!!

ben said...

yea! let's meet again in IMU!

Yee Hoong said...

Haha, thanks...
Hope so...